ECAS - Courses

The ISCCRO - International Statistical Conference in Croatia is a scientific event in the area of statistics organized for the first time by the Croatian Statistical Association (CSA) in 2016 (ISCCRO’16) in Zagreb, Croatia. It has become a biannual event important not only for Croatia, but also internationally, attracting scientists and professionals in statistics and related fields from many countries. Invited people gather both data producers and data users, scientists and professionals, educators and students. One should attend this international conference because of the range of theoretical and practical statistical topics, discussed by a wider audience, which makes this conference unique in Croatia. Therefore, the conference ISCCRO has been the best place for sharing and exchanging information and building networks, for both domestic and international statisticians, where each learns from the other.

The Third International Statistical Conference in Croatia - ISCCRO’20, with the topic: “Contemporary Issues in Statistical Methods and Data Science Applications “, was held from the 15th to the 16th October 2020 as Virtual Online Conference hosted from Zagreb, Croatia. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the ISCCRO’20 conference was held for the first time as a virtual online conference. Despite the new surrounding and online environment, the conference, covering statistical and related cross and multi-disciplinary fields, topics and areas, provided a platform for international networking and exchange of ideas on various aspects of theory and applications of statistics and related professional and scientific areas.

At the ISCCRO’20 77 authors, coming from 10 countries, gave 36 submissions for presentation, 26 of them as Abstract Only and 10 of them as Full Papers, split in a variety of sessions during two conference days of presentations, three of them being Invited Lectures. The conference hosted the authors from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovenia and the USA.

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Courses in the ECAS Programme for 2021

  • Text Mining: from basics to deep learning tools, ECAS-SFdS course, Fréjus (France) Website The next ECAS-SFdS school will take place from October 10 to 15, 2021, on the French Riviera. The theme is "Text Mining: from basics to deep learning tools" and the course will present an introduction, the classical methods as well as the most recent advances in textual data processing.The contributions of new representations and how to process them using deep neural networks will be illustrated through industrial case studies.

Courses in the ECAS Programme for 2020

Courses in the ECAS Programme for 2019

Courses in the ECAS Programme for 2018

Courses in the ECAS Programme for 2017